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here lies _____

here lies _____

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Regular price $200.00 USD
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one day while on a stroll through London I found a small bubbling cemetery. Something noticeably different that caught my attention was the fact that you couldn't interact with he gravestones (which upon further thought it became fairly odd to me that in the West we're able to). further intrigued I walked closer to find that there was more life around them - animals and insects of all kinds, new life surround the expiration of an once living vessel. I'm happy to have captured this moment...I felt that in a very urbanized area, very rarely have I had the opportunity to appreciate nature from a somewhat disconnected but very respectable distance.

Polaroid taken by Airospace


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This memory is uniquely yours. Once you've purchased a photo, the view of my heart has eternally been transferred to you. Thank you.

Included in purchase:

1x Galaxia Sticker
1x POL T-shirt

1x POL Print

Link to physical photo will be revealed upon delivery of purchase

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